Skin lesions
On our face and body there are various types of skin lesions which are mostly normal. Some of them, over time and under the chronic effects of solar radiation, can turn into various types of skin cancers such as melanomas or basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. In cooperation with and at the suggestion of the dermatologist, the lesions are identified in their initial stages and removed, while the appropriate techniques of plastic surgery are used to restore the area, even with local anaesthesia.

Acute and Chronic Hand conditions

There are various conditions in the hand area that require surgical correction and depending on their severity, local or general anesthesia is required.
Acute cases include soft tissue injuries such as injuries to vessels, nerves, tendons, bone fractures and inflammation. On the other hand, in chronic cases, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger or various forms of tendinitis are quite common. A clinical examination makes it possible to identify the problem and treat it appropriately.
Acute cases include soft tissue injuries such as injuries to vessels, nerves, tendons, bone fractures and inflammation. On the other hand, in chronic cases, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger or various forms of tendinitis are quite common. A clinical examination makes it possible to identify the problem and treat it appropriately.
Many times a scar in our body can end up in a keloid. This is caused by the body's rapid healing process. The most common areas where they are found are the sternum, ear lobes and the torso. Surgical treatment is rarely indicated. The gold standard treatment is cortisone injections for a certain number of sessions.

Chronic decubitus ulcers

Bedsores are chronic conditions where there is a lysis of the skin as a result of pressure on the area. They are quite common in decubitus patients particularly in the sacrococcygeal region , the trochanters of the femoral bones and the heels. Good surgical cleaning and thorough care of the area can improve their appearance considerably.
Subcutaneous benign conditions

Some benign tumors grow slowly in our body just under our skin and need to be removed mainly for aesthetic results. Such conditions are mainly sebaceous cysts or lipomas. The most common treatment is their surgical excision which can be done under local anesthesia in the office.